Koa Boxes 4″x 4″ by Honolulu Woodworking Designs


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Koa Boxes 4″x 4″ by Honolulu Woodworking Designs

2.25″  high x 4″ wide  x 4″ long

These  koa boxes are finished to a fine, smooth hand-rubbed wax finish. We’re happy to offer them to you in 3″ x 3″,  4″ x 4″, 3 x 5 and 4 x 6″ sizes, but we do run low occasionally as they are very popular.  They can be laser engraved on the top or inside of the lid or on the front or side of the box.

This photo is of one of the less curly or figured koa selections in the collection available now.

Custom engraving is available. Please allow a week for custom orders, though we will do our best to accommodate rushes if it’s necessary.


“Koa is the largest endemic tree in Hawai‘i–the species exists naturally nowhere else in the world. It is the fastest growing of Hawaii’s valuable hardwoods. Koa was historically the material of choice for carved ocean-going canoes. Koa wood is the most prized cabinet and furniture wood in Hawai‘i. Colors range from light brown to deep red/brown hues. Highly figured koa is sought after for use in fine furniture, musical instruments, crafts, gunstocks, and knife handles. Koa has weight and strength properties similar to black walnut. It is a moderately heavy wood (specific gravity .55). It is stable, works well, and takes an exceptionally rich, deeply reflective glow when finished with oils and modern varnish or laquer.” 1

Reforestation efforts are ongoing on the Big Island and on Maui, to recover the species from the devastation caused by clear-cutting for ranching and more recently, invasive forest animals.


The dimensions in the additional information tab includes the packing and shipping box.

Koa Boxes 4″x 4″ by Honolulu Woodworking Designs

Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 8 in