Andy Cole Natural Edge Cuban Mahogany Bowl 2″H x 4.5″D $175 (Sold)


This Andy Cole 3×5 Natural Edge Cuban Mahogany bowl showcases the beauty of the wood. The wood shows caramel and cream contrast. Andy Cole, Hawai‘i Woodturner, learned to turn wood in 2000. He makes natural edge bowls, a speciality. While many turners look for flawless wood to work with, Andy finds great satisfaction in turning flawed pieces of wood into works of art. Bug holes and natural inclusions are not viewed as defects. Rather, he sees them as unique character highlights.

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Andy Cole Natural Edge Cuban Mahogany Bowl 2″H x 4.5″D $175

About Woodturner Andy Cole

In the year 2000 Andy had the opportunity to learn woodturning when he took a basic bowl turning class. He went home with a lathe in his trunk and a passion for turning. Andy joined the Honolulu Woodturner’s club, an affiliate of the American Association of Woodturners. Most recently, he was founder and director of the Honolulu Symposium, a statewide gathering of turners. Andy has lived on the island of Oahu since the 1980’s. He works in a hillside studio, inspired by a spectacular ocean view.

Andy has admired wood, and things made from wood throughout his life. The natural and organic nature of wood fascinates him. Every tree is unique, and no two pieces of wood are the same.

Cuban mahogany grows to be a medium-sized tree in tropical and subtropical regions like Hawaii. According to Wikipedia, besides art, it is used to make things like musical instruments and furniture.


Seeing Beauty in Imperfection

While many turners look for flawless wood to work with, Andy finds great satisfaction in turning flawed pieces of wood into works of art. Bug holes and natural inclusions are not viewed as defects. Rather, he sees them as unique character highlights. Andy explores many directions in wood turning, but one of his specialties is in the organic beauty of natural edge bowls. His trademark works are natural edge nested bowl sets.

Using Rescued Local Wood

All of the wood Andy uses for creating bowls comes from Oahu-grown trees that brought down by either a property owner or strong winds. He rescues the wood for a higher purpose before it can be transported to a land fill. .

Watching Andy demonstrating woodturning at the annual Honolulu Woodturners show at Nohea Gallery is always a treat!

Weight and measurement  of this in the ‘additional information’ tab includes packing for shipping.

Andy Cole Natural Edge Cuban Mahogany Bowl 2″H x 4.5″D $175

Additional information

Weight 4.6 lbs
Dimensions 10.5 × 10.5 × 8 in